Leading scientists, doctors, researchers and educators from around the world will share
their personal stories and unique contributions to the monogenic diabetes miracle.
*Documentary Advisory Panel

headsFRANFrances Ashcroft, FRS, PhD *

Research Professor, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, Oxford, UK

Greeley bioSiri Greeley, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine Kovler Diabetes Center, University of Chicago

headsGRAEMEGraeme Bell, PhD*

Louis Block Distinguished Service Professor of Medicine and Human Genetics, Director, Diabetes Research and Training Center, University of Chicago

headsANDREWAndrew Hattersley MA, MRCP, DM, FRCP *

Professor of Molecular Medicine Peninsula Medical School, Exeter, UK

headsSIANSian Ellard, PhD, MRCPath

Professor of Human Molecular Genetics Peninsula Medical School, Exeter, UK

headsLOULouis Philipson MD, PhD, FACP *

Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics Director, Kovler Diabetes Center University of Chicago

Stefan FajansStefan Fajans, MD

Active Professor Emeritus, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes, University of Michigan Medical School

patrik rohrsmanPatrik Rorsman, FMedSci

Professor of Diabetic Medicine, Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism University of Oxford, UK

anna gloynAnna L. Gloyn, PhD

University Research Lecturer, Senior Fellow in Basic Biomedical Science, Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Oxford, UK

Susuno Seino M.D., D.M. Sci

Professor and Head Division of Molecular and Metabolic Medicine, Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan

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